Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What do you expect?

Advent is the season of expectation; the time where we prepare once again for the coming of the Prince of Peace. How we prepare depends to a great extent upon what we are anticipating. We often subconsciously set ourselves up, with self-fulfilling prophecies that predetermine final outcomes.
As you begin this 2010 Advent Season, I encourage you to spend some quality time evaluating what you expect, need, and want Christmas to be for you and your loved ones.
If Christmas has become a time that drains, stresses, and depresses you then you're more than likely trapped by the secular commercialism of our secular society. It's time to stop the merry-go-round and prepare for a spiritual experience.
This need not be a radical change of lifestyle. There are a variety of ways to make Christmas a more meaningful experience. Here is a partial list of suggestions. If these don't meet your needs contact me and I will share more alternatives.
1. Remember whose birth we are celebrating.
2. Be a part of the Advent and Christmas activities of the Church.
3. Pick up a copy of the Advent devotional we have at church from the Society of St. Andrew.
4. Earmark at least 25% of your Christmas giving budget to the less fortunate. In place of a gift make a donation to a charitable organization in the name of a person.
5. Buy your cards and gifts from UNICEF, Heifer International, etc. or any charitable organization that is supporting third world development .
6. Set aside time each day to read Scripture, pray, be still and prepare for the coming of the Prince of Peace.
7. Be active in the Means of Grace [God’s way of streaming love] particularly works of Mercy; ring the Salvation Army Bells, volunteer your time and energy in ministries that aid the hungry, the stranger, the sick, the shut-ins and the imprisoned.
8. Strive to be a peacemaker in your family, personal relationships, church and broader communities.
9. Add your own:__________________________
Praying that this may be your most Blessed Christmas ever.

"He who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life" John 4:36

Together In Christ,
Pastor Lane