Monday, February 28, 2011


Many of us know our IQ (intelligence quotient), but what about our SQ (spiritual quotient)?

Lent is a good time to think about the quality of your spiritual life. Do you think about God often …or rarely?

Do you pray often … or occasionally? How well do you know the Bible? The Commandments? The Beatitudes? The lives of biblical heroes and heroines?

During Lent, commit to spending more time in prayer. Also consider selecting a book of the Bible or a particular Bible character to study in-depth during this period.

Some people give up particular items or habits during Lent. If used wisely, this discipline can help you abandon things that have been interfering with your relationship with God.

Seek out devotions and books that can help strengthen your spiritual life. Examples include: Show Me the Way by Henri Nouwen, A Season for the Spirit by Martin Smith, Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado, and Lent and Easter Wisdom From Thomas Merton edited by Jonathan Montaldo.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Lane