Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Discovery Weekend


Spiritual Entrepreneurs

begins September 23/24

During every period of renewal, the church has been univer­sally committed to six theological principles. These 6 principles for risking renewal are:

1. The Lordship Principle: a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the object of faith.

2. The Biblical Principle: scriptural truth as the primary source for what we

believe and do.

3.The Liturgical Principle: discovery of new worship forms.

4. The Covenant Principle: commitment to the integrity of membership.

5. The Priesthood Principle: equipping the laity for ministry.

6. The Leadership Principle: spiritual entrepreneurship.

The church must have Christ-centered persons; they must be spiritual entrepreneurs who are committed to these God inspired principles. Commitment to the prophetic message of these principles is essential for renewal to take place in the church today. Join us as we explore these Godly concepts in an effort to gain renewed passion and faithfulness.

Church renewal is more than an increase in numbers and budgets. Many gimmicks can be employed to persuade people to come and sit in church pews. If our only goal were to increase attendance, we could even pay people to attend church. But until people become committed to being faithful to the will of God, their attendance is no more meaningful than membership in any other human organization or club. Church renewal consists of people in community with one another, dreaming God's vision, believing Christ's victory, and living out the Spirit's work. The evidence of renewal will be seen in transformed lives. Join us for this journey of renewal.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Lane