Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Upper Room Thought for the Day

What’s in My Heart?

What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this is what defiles.
- Matthew 15:18 (NRSV)
“Watch out!” I screamed and then jumped back as a little boy careened backward while trying to kick a bouncing soccer ball. Annoyance bubbled up inside me as I looked at the spreading coffee stain on my new cream jacket. Fortunately, I didn’t have time to say anything to the child as he raced off after the ball, oblivious to the minor accident he had caused.
“Why doesn’t someone keep those kids under control?” I muttered, sounding like my grandmother many years ago. Later I wondered why I had reacted so strongly. After all, he was just a little child playing ball. He didn’t intend harm.
I hadn’t given any thought to my reaction; it just spilled out, much like that coffee. Jesus once warned his disciples that what came out of their mouths actually came from their hearts.
The Bible reminds us repeatedly to be joyful. If my heart is full of joy, when I’m knocked off balance, joy will spill out. If my heart is full of love, when something or someone bumps me, I will react in love. I resolved to be more careful about what I put into my heart because I want what spills out to be joy.

The Author

Shirley M. Corder (Eastern Cape, South Africa)

Thought for the Day

When our hearts are filled with love, life’s little collisions will not harm us or those near us.


Loving Father, forgive us for the times our hearts have overflowed in harmful ways. Help us to bring healing and blessing to those around us, even when we’re knocked off balance. Amen.
Prayer focusThose filled with anger