Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On My Doorstep

View the Sept-Oct, 2012 Issue
We are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace that God has given us. . . . Whoever shares with others should do it generously.
- Romans 12:6, 8 (TEV)
After I had two children in two years, I couldn’t be counted on to even show up at church—mostly because often one or both of my two young children would have the sniffles. Ironically, before this time, I was on the church staff in children’s ministry, where daily I could use my gift of teaching. I mourned the loss of my ministry.
Then one morning, a friend who is also a stay-at-home mom called me — in tears, overwhelmed, and lonely. I told her I’d be right over and bring my kids to play with hers. We talked all morning about our similar struggles, and she seemed to grow stronger.
Later I thought of another childhood friend. She is a mother of six, on public assistance, with no car and utterly alone with no support from her family. Though I continually feel inadequate in the face of her needs, I’m beginning to see various ways I can help. I am learning through my relationships with these women that being a friend can be a powerful, challenging ministry.

The Author

Renee Lannan (Pennsylvania, USA)

Thought for the Day

To see a picture of Renee and her family, go to


Dear God, our Companion, help us to see that you always have ways to use us, no matter our circumstances. Show us how we can serve. Amen.