Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.
- Galatians 6:2 (CEB)
A star high-school baseball player from one year before was killed in a car accident while at a tournament with his college baseball team. He was 19 years old. His older sister, Melinda, was a member of our church. The next summer as Melinda and I were outside watching baseball again, I asked her as I had often that year, “How are you getting through this?” She answered, “By God’s grace. I know people are praying for me. When people send me notes or cards, when they telephone to see how I’m doing, I know their love and concern for me are answers to my prayers and pleas for support.”
We all know someone who is going through a difficult time — the loss of a job, sickness, or the death of a loved one. In those situations, do we sometimes look too hard for God’s presence? Do we expect answers to prayer always to be dramatic? God works through acts as simple as a phone call from a friend. You and I can be the answer to someone’s prayer for help and comfort.
Prayer - Loving God, show us how to reach out to people in ordinary and simple ways. Amen.
Prayer focus - Those whose siblings have died