You are no longer strangers and aliens . . . you are fellow citizens with God’s people, and you belong to God’s household. - Ephesians 2:19 (CEB)

My first memory of being different centers on a scar on my right wrist. All through my early years, I was positive that the only thing people saw when they looked at me was an ugly line flanked by polka dots where sutures once had been knotted. I was sure that my scar, my flaw, flashed as brightly as a neon sign.

However, as I grew and matured, I began identifying with other “marks” — a mark of baptism on my forehead; a mark of confirmation on my heart; a mark of discipleship within my spirit. Gradually, I stopped thinking about that scar that had held me in its little shackled grip far too long. The scar on my wrist has faded somewhat. The fear of not belonging that it once represented has faded as well. It has been replaced by a new sense of belonging — related to the Spirit and belonging to the family of God. As part of a group of Christian believers who practice acceptance and love, I need not fear being odd. In this family, we discover each other’s scratches and gashes — some visible on the outside, some hidden in the heart. No matter which, God’s radiant, life-giving, life-bearing Spirit working among believers turns those scars into marks that stand for healing.
Thought for the Day
We are all beloved children of God.
Dear God, help us to see ourselves the way you see us — as your beloved children, flaws and all. Amen.
Prayer focus Those who feel unworthy