Israel’s Only Savior
43 But now, this is what the Lord says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush[a] and Seba in your stead.
4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,
I will give people in exchange for you,
nations in exchange for your life.
5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east
and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:1-5
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush[a] and Seba in your stead.
and because I love you,
I will give people in exchange for you,
nations in exchange for your life.
5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east
and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:1-5
You silence the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, the tumult of the peoples.
- Psalm 65:7 (NRSV)
When I was young, our school vacation began in June — mid-winter in South Africa. The weather was usually cold, wet, and stormy for days and sometimes weeks on end. Confined to the house, we were bored and ill-tempered. We sorely missed playing with our friends in the park. To help us cope, Mom would dress us warmly and take us to the indoor botanical garden in Cape Town. After packing lunch, she would hold our hands and walk us up from the railway station. Under umbrellas in the driving rain, we would make our way over muddy paths and puddles to the greenhouse. We would shed our raincoats, close our umbrellas, open the glass doors and enter a warm, protected environment. Once inside, the beauty of orchids and the fragrance of exotic blooms surrounded us. Here we would play happily for hours, despite the gales raging beyond the walls.
The Author - Keith Honeyman (Western Cape, South Africa) - from The Upper
Thought for the Day
Seek God's shelter for help from the storms that may come into your life.
Dear God, please remind us to make your presence our only port of refuge in any storm. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Prayer focus - Children going to new school for the first time