David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might. - 2 Samuel 6:14 (NIV)
As a Native American, I have the honor and privilege of carrying on the tradition of Native American dancing. Within each dance step runs a deep connection among my ancestors, those who live now and the generations to come. My spirit-filled dance gives honor and praise to God, while giving me a way to offer my prayers to my Creator. The dress I wear is called a jingle-dance or prayer-dance dress. The cones on the dress represent prayers. Thought for the Day
Ways to worship GodWorship through prayer - reading the Bible - Obey God - Tithe - Build deep relationships with other Christians - Share your faith - Serve others - Build into your life the attitude of thankfulness - Begin turning over to God areas of your life that you have never committed to Him Live a life of purpose. Worship isn’t simply one area of your life; it is your life. Start right this moment by surrendering your life to God. Then spend the rest of your life learning to worship Him more fully.
Creator God, we thank you for hearing our prayers, in whatever language we offer them. Amen.
Prayer focus Native American churches