The Right Tools

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
- Psalm 119:105 (NRSV)

I arrived at the kindergarten with my daughter and was asked to assemble some new furniture for the children. The screwdriver they gave me was too small and unsuitable for the job. It slipped out of the screw head several times and injured me. I went home and brought back more appropriate tools and completed the work without problem.
I often try to use the “wrong tools” in life, too. I try to handle tasks in my own way, relying on my own experience and knowledge, without direction from God. Too often things don’t work out; even worse, I get hurt. But when I use the right tools — reading and acting on the word of God and seeking God’s direction in prayer —

I can complete my tasks with pleasure. God has given us the tool of holy scripture as “a lamp to [our] feet and a light to [our] path.” It is a primary tool to help us keep our life together and make us strong and useful for God’s work.
The Author Yevgeni Tarasov (Moscow, Russia) from the Upper Room
Thought for the Day
The Bible is a useful tool as we face life’s tasks.
Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for your word. Thank you that it gives answers to the questions we face and wisdom to preserve us from being overcome by the hurts and disappointments of life. Amen.