Always Home
Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
- Psalm 90:1 (NIV)

When someone asks our sons where they are from, they have no quick and simple answer. This is because their father’s career sent our family packing every few years — from Hawaii to California to Texas to Virginia and several points in between. We really have no place we can call our hometown.

Yet in all these places we consistently felt the presence of God, finding our true and permanent home among fellow believers. The buildings, sizes of the congregations, and worship schedules varied; and the local speech patterns and accents changed. But these differences were slight compared with the common bond we shared. The fellowship we find with God’s people has given us stability, comfort, and security wherever we have lived. Society seems more transient than ever with continual changes in location, careers, health and financial circumstances, and family structure. Few people manage to live long without enduring some major life changes and the stresses that come with them. Like the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness, we may feel as if we are strangers in this world. What a comfort to know that we cannot move beyond the reach and love of God!
Thought for the Day Wherever life may take us, God has been there before us.
Dear Lord, help us to feel your presence wherever we go and to find our true home in your love with your people. Amen.
Prayer focusThose facing relocation