[Love] keeps no record of wrongs - The Upper Room
- 1 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV)
My husband is a careful record keeper. He tracks our monthly expenses and his students’ grades. He records the scores of his favorite football team year by year. Some records are important to keep; others are fun to keep.

However, I’m glad that some records God doesn’t keep at all. When we repent of our sins, God forgives us and removes our transgressions “as far as the east is from the west” (Ps. 103:12). I love to think that God has wiped my sin record clean, but sometimes I’m reluctant to do the same for others. It’s easy for me to keep a mental list of grievances. I recall times that people have hurt me with unkind words or actions. I see their faces; I remember what they said. Am I a secret record-keeper?

When God has blotted out my transgressions, why do I hold on to hurts done to me? By God’s grace, I resolve to stop my record keeping and to forgive as God has forgiven me.
Because God is willing to forgive me, I can and will forgive others. Link2Life: Keep a record of God’s kindnesses to you this month. (See Ps. 51:1; Isa. 43:25.)
Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for blotting out our sins. Give us grace to erase the record of wrongs done to us, as we pray, “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us” (Luke 11:4). Amen.