Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, ‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’”? Matthew 21:9
The Lord calls forth praise from the lips of precious children to Him. They praise Him for they know He loves them. They praise Him because He cares for them. They praise Him for His goodness. They praise Him for His forgiveness. They praise Him for the beauty of His holiness. Their praise is pure, unsoiled by skeptics. A child has yet to be defiled by the cynical sorts Satan sends to confuse adults. Their authentic air of worship drifts a pleasing aroma into the nostrils of God.
A child is positioned by their honest intentions and trusting hearts to embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Thus, as parents we are responsible to encourage their growth in grace and truth. We teach them songs of praise at an early age so words of worship make their way into the depths of their moldable hearts. ‘Bless the Lord and all that is within me’ will not be soon forgotten by a son or daughter who sings this to Jesus. Yes, praise revels Christ’s salvation.
A child is positioned by their honest intentions and trusting hearts to embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Thus, as parents we are responsible to encourage their growth in grace and truth. We teach them songs of praise at an early age so words of worship make their way into the depths of their moldable hearts. ‘Bless the Lord and all that is within me’ will not be soon forgotten by a son or daughter who sings this to Jesus. Yes, praise revels Christ’s salvation.
The living, the living—they praise you, as I am doing today; parents tell their children about your faithfulness. Isaiah 38:19
A family who worships together grows in grace together. Yes, there are times you wonder if all the Sunday morning ruckus is worth the physical energy and
emotional stress to get your little ones to church. Absolutely yes, keep your family in a healthy, faith filled environment. Like a greenhouse grows luscious fruit and vegetables, so your child’s heart warms to God in worship. Encourage your child to praise God by your passionate praise to God. He inhabits His praises!
But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3, KJV
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your goodness, humility and mercy. May I praise with the purity of a child.
Related Readings: Exodus 15:2; Psalm 8:2, 71:22; Luke 10:21; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
Post/Tweet today: Like a greenhouse grows luscious fruit and vegetables, so your child’s heart warms to God in worship. #praiseGod
© 2013 by Boyd Bailey. All rights reserved.
But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3, KJV
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your goodness, humility and mercy. May I praise with the purity of a child.
Related Readings: Exodus 15:2; Psalm 8:2, 71:22; Luke 10:21; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
Post/Tweet today: Like a greenhouse grows luscious fruit and vegetables, so your child’s heart warms to God in worship. #praiseGod
© 2013 by Boyd Bailey. All rights reserved.