Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” Mark 1:35-37
Jesus was interrupted in His prayers and He was interrupted by the leper, but He used them both for God’s glory. Is the Lord in on our life’s interruptions? Many times, yes! He takes distractions in our prayer time and uses them to lead us into His will. On occasion while praying, my mind races with a mental list that longs for immediate attention. So, I stop praying, write down the items and then offer the list in prayer as a sacrifice to Jesus. The Holy Spirit leads me in how to manage the needs I’ve written down. So, I seek to lean into the Lord when interrupted by life.
We are all needy to one degree or another. Needy people need to have their needs met. Therefore, when someone interrupts your life with their need, look for the Lord in the interruption. Pray for a way to meet their need in Jesus’ name so they are attracted to His love. Furthermore, you are not called to meet everyone’s needs all the time. There are others God wants to engage as His benevolent blessing. Be available, do what you can, and trust the Lord to add more resources.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, when life interrupts my goals and aspirations, thank you for meeting my needs in Christ Jesus.
Related Readings: Psalm 23:1, 39:5; Matthew 8:24; Luke 12:18-20; 2 Corinthians 9:8
Post/Tweet today: Ironically, expectations of a stress free life only create stress. #lifesinterruptions
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