For I do not want to see you now and make only a passing visit; I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits. 1 Corinthians 16:7
Time invested in people is an eternal investment. Like money spent on a hobby develops an interest, so more time spent with a person or group of people grows trust and understanding. Indeed, our quantity time with each other deepens our quality of relationship. Loyalty lasts in the hard times and grows in the good times. Deep relationships affirm our worth and confirm our sense of security. When we say, “Good to see you,” we peer into the eyes of the soul. Love invests time.
Social media is no substitute for interactive intimacy. When we can be ourselves in each other’s presence, we enjoy the dynamic of being together. So in the moment over dinner, sitting on the porch or walking together we are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually engaged. Yes, we take time for safe relationships, so the superficial melts away and revels the real. Fears are discussed and prayed over. Hurts are diagnosed and released. Sin is confessed and forgiven.
Social media is no substitute for interactive intimacy. When we can be ourselves in each other’s presence, we enjoy the dynamic of being together. So in the moment over dinner, sitting on the porch or walking together we are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually engaged. Yes, we take time for safe relationships, so the superficial melts away and revels the real. Fears are discussed and prayed over. Hurts are diagnosed and released. Sin is confessed and forgiven.
So that I may come to you with joy, by God’s will, and in your company be refreshed. Romans 15:32
Are you on a relational deserted island, alone--fearful of selfish sharks in the water? Are you reticent to reveal your true feelings, because someone from an emotional safe zone in your past exploited your vulnerability? You are right to feel cautious, but do not allow fear of what one or two might do to keep you from the few who really care about you. Love is risky, but it is also the most rewarding. Thus, take a chance to give community a second chance. Ask the Spirit to lead you.

Not forgetting to gather as a community, as some have forgotten, but encouraging each other, especially as the day of His return approaches. Hebrews 10:25, The Voice
Prayer: Heavenly Father, lead me to really know those who know You deeply and who want to know me deeply.
Related Readings: Acts 2:46-47, 12:12-14, 18:21; Romans 1:10; 2 Corinthians 1:16; 1 Peter 4:9
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