Sunday, May 5, 2013



Read Romans 7:21–8:4

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
- Romans 8:1 (NIV)
My daughter-in-law, Megan, grew up with a dog named Buddy, who was kept outside on a cable run between two shade trees. Daily he was released for a taste of freedom. If only Buddy had recognized that he was free! Although he was released from his cable, he continued to run back and forth between the two trees as if nothing had changed.
  When I glance in the mirror, I sometimes catch a glimpse of Buddy. It’s not a wet snout or scruffy hair that catches my eye but a similar refusal to enjoy the freedom that’s been provided for me. Divorced twice by the age of 27 and with two little boys in tow, I was overwhelmed by feelings of shame and condemnation. I kept running back and forth between my past mistakes, as if confined by a cable that kept me from moving beyond that small area.
But when I read and truly believed Romans 8:1, I began to appreciate the freedom Christ has provided for me. I memorized the verse and spoke it aloud every time shame or condemnation tugged at my heart. I now choose to believe God’s truth: No matter how we feel, we are free to move beyond our mistakes. We can run in the unlimited freedom of God’s truth, confident of God’s love and acceptance.
You cannot do anything to change the past but with Gods forgiviness you have a new life in Him.

Dear Lord, help us to choose truth over feelings, which often lead us astray. Thank you for the freedom you provide for us through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer focus  - Single mothers and their children