Saturday, May 4, 2013

Do You Love Me

“if my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14

Do You Love Me?

Read John 21:2-17 
 Little children, let’s not love with words or speech but with action and truth.
- 1 John 3:18 (CEB)
It is early morning, and I am walking along the shores of beautiful Lake Macquarie. I can easily imagine the scene described in today’s reading and perhaps include myself in the picture.

 The tired and disappointed disciples have been met and fed by their risen Lord. Then, as they sat around, Jesus addressed Peter for the first time since Peter denied him. “Peter, do you love me?” Jesus asked. In reply Peter affirmed his love. Jesus’ next words became Peter’s motivating commission from that time on: “Feed my sheep.” In reality our Lord was saying, “If you really love Me, prove it by doing what I need you to do: Help others to love Me and encourage them on their journey.”

Jesus’ statement reminds me of Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady expressing her frustration by singing, “Don’t talk of love lasting through time. . . . Show me now!” Based on how we sometimes behave, Jesus could say the same words to us: “Don’t just tell Me you love Me, show Me. Show Me by your love in daily life and relationships.” When we live close to Christ and allow Him to nourish us, others can see the evidence of our love.

The Author - Bill Willis (New South Wales, Australia) - from the Upper Room

Thought for the Day

How many sheep will you feed today?


Gracious God, we thank you that even when our love is feeble, your love for us remains strong and unchanging. Help us to grow in our love for you and to express that love each day by serving you as we serve those around us. Amen.
Prayer focus - Those struggling with their faith