Friday, March 15, 2013

Faithful Hearts

The king will answer them . . . “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”- Matthew 25:40 (NRSV)
My daughter, Kendria, asked, “Mom, who took Judas’s place after he died?” I answered confidently, “Matthias.” She considered this for a moment, then asked, “What did he ever do for Jesus?” I was stumped by the question of a six-year-old. I searched the Bible for other mentions of Matthias’s name but found nothing. However, when the disciples were discussing Judas’s replacement, they chose from those who had been with the group since the baptism of Jesus until the day that he ascended into heaven. They narrowed it down to two people, Justus and Matthias. Why were they considered? Scripture tells us that they had been with the group from the beginning; they were faithful — not flashy, just faithful.

 Taking a meal to a sick person, visiting someone in prison, serving in the church, volunteering to help with vacation Bible school, or spending time in prayer for church leaders may not seem like much. But these acts meet needs in the kingdom of God. God isn’t looking for people who make headlines; God is looking for those with faithful hearts. So, to paraphrase my daughter’s question, “What are you doing for Jesus?”

The Author - Diane Godair (North Carolina, USA) - from the Upper Room

Thought for the Day - What am I doing to honor Christ?

Prayer - Dear Lord, sometimes our efforts seem small. Help us realize that anything we do to help someone in need is done for you. Amen.

Prayer focusVolunteers