Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Soul Tonic

Soul Tonic

[Those who delight in the law of the LORD] “are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither.”
- Psalm 1:3 (NRSV)

As an older adult, I have set a goal to read more. My favorite reading material is the Bible. I firmly believe that reading scripture keeps my mind fresh and revitalizes my soul. For Sunday school, I read chapters related to the day’s lesson, though often I read them in a hurry. However, when I want to meditate on those chapters, I make it a point to start with a brief prayer. Then, with a dictionary nearby to help me find the meanings of words, I delve more deeply into the scripture. I take my time, often rereading a certain text several times to understand what God is saying to me. I find this reading to be a tonic for my soul. My thoughts continue to be nourished by the stories and promises of God — promises that require my commitment so that God’s work will be fulfilled in me. My prayer is that God’s Spirit will dwell in me and guide my actions as I live each day obedient to what I hear as I reflect on God’s word.

The Author:  Maria Refugio Quevedo (California, USA) -from the Upper Room

Thought for the Day

Reading scripture revives the soul. Link2Life: Check to see what your church can do to insure that Bibles in large print are readily available in local retirement or assisted living centers.

Prayer:  Thank you, God, for your word. Grant us hunger to read it more and joy as we read. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Prayer focus:  For greater hunger to read the Bible