Thursday, April 4, 2013

Prayers are answered in His time!


Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds.
- Hebrews 10:24 (NRSV)
My family believes in God but will not attend church with me. At times, I become discouraged, and my attendance becomes irregular. One Sunday instead of going to church alone, I decided to stay home with my family. I was feeling sorry for myself and cried out to God about my loneliness and my longing for family worship.
 Not long after I prayed, I heard a knock at the door.

My brother stood on our porch with his five-year-old daughter, Emma. He asked if she could go to church with me. Emma had gotten up that morning, dressed, and told him that she wanted to go to church. My brother doesn’t attend church; but he did not want to discourage Emma, so he drove the ten miles to my home to send her to church with me.

That day, I did not sit alone in church. As I held Emma’s hand, I realized that God had spoken to me through this child. Emma helped me not to feel so alone. God showed love to both of us that day.

Thought for the Day  Invite someone to church this week.


Almighty God, thank you for your love and care. Help us to see that sometimes our prayers are answered in unexpected ways. Amen.
Prayer focus    Children who attend church without their parents