Saturday, June 29, 2013

“forget our first Love”

It is easy today to “forget our first Love” [see Rev. 2:4]. Jesus encountered a similar problem is his day [see text].
As servants of the Lord, we must realize that we were called by God for a purpose. Not only are we called by him; we are also equipped by him to complete the task to which he has called us.

We are not called to be “Lone Ranger” [see1 Corinthians 3:9]. God established the Body of Christ and has gifted each of us uniquely for a reason. We need all of us to tend to the ministerial needs within the body.

Having been known for their love and zeal, the Ephesian church was reprimanded for having forgotten their first love merely a generation later

(Revelation 2:4). Have we lost our passion? Are we simply going through the motions? In order to be effective in ministry, we all must nurture our relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters in the community.  It is often said most of us do not think our way into being but act ourselves into new ways of being.
Many hands do make light work but more importantly our work together also builds bonds of Christian love. All persons who follow Jesus are called to grow spiritually through the practice of various Christian habits (or "means of grace").
Jesus taught his disciples practices of spiritual growth and leadership that we, as disciples, are to share with others.  Are you modeling and guiding in exemplary ways a Christian lifestyle?