Friday, June 14, 2013

Returning From Exile

The Lord proclaims: When Babylon’s seventy years are up, I will come and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place.  - Jeremiah 29:10 (CEB)
For much of my life as a believer I have heard Jeremiah 29:11 quoted: “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (NIV). I have been comforted by the words but have not really thought about the context in which they were expressed. This was God’s reassurance to people in exile. Because of the people’s unfaithfulness, they were taken to Babylon, where they would stay for decades. Then God would bring them back to the Promised Land.

 Knowing the context makes this verse even more meaningful to me. When I sin, discipline may come in the consequences I suffer. Or I may be “exiled” from the comfort of close relationship with God. But I know God’s faithfulness, and I know that I, like the Israelites, will be brought out of my exile as I recognize my waywardness and return to God.

The Author - K. Jackson Peevy (Alabama, USA) from The Upper Room

Thought for the Day

When we turn from our sin, God faithfully restores us.


Dear Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy. Teach us to seek righteousness and to repent when we fall short. Amen.
Prayer focusFor a penitent heart